We know many members are working from home to help stop the spread of COVID-19 which can have it advantages eg, you don’t have to travel to work, put your best outfit on, or your full make up, but this can also have it’s down side.

  • No longer getting the incidental exercise you may have had commuting and running errands at work.
  • Not sticking to a daily routine, sleeping in longer, staying up later, sitting more, increased screen time, later meals.
  • Working all day close to your family, limited YOU time, limited THEM time.
  • You may not have the weights needed for your strength and conditioning goals. Strong muscles, strong body, strong mind.
  • Feeling demotivated and bit wanting to exercise at all, easier to exercise tomorrow.

The best way to keep on track is to have routine and a plan.  So, if you need to reset your routine, get back on track with your exercise or help with procrastination see our Totally Pumped 247 daily planner.